Salena Umaco, Progress Update UPDATE!
I'm now going to be in the Salena Umaco coronicles as Midori Kanukite! Finally, my first gig as a recurring character! Yay! I got to see a sneak peek at the intro being made on Skype through Idiot's webcam. I got to see how he draws the characters and everything. It's very exciting, and now I can't wait for this series to be released even more.
Here's a list of my little projects and drawings I'm doing. I updated it, minus Idiot's progress bar, heh.
ES Page 3: 0% (Lazy!!1)
500th Kiriban for Midnightfury: 0% (Still planning on what to draw.)
Gift Art for friend person: 0% (It's not really important right now.)
Kagome Drawing: 15% (Have sketched, need to ink, color, and add background.)
ES Strip #6: 5% (Have the background, and idea pat down.)
Breeze Action Line Test: 15% (Have Sketched.)
I'll get back to Ernie Seekers as soon as I finish Action Line Test, Kagome, and 500th Kiriban. Promise. D:
EDIT: I completed the Salena Umaco Fanart! Go here:
Crappy Scanner quality!
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