Zeno, BrooksTV, TRR 12, Fett, Jomation, Bill Cobsy, Tyler's Mario Game Idea
Okay, I WAS going to link to the stuff I was going to review for today so people wouldn't be confused, but it seems this cursed day has brought PorpleMontage to a temporary shut down. Well, I'll link them later I guess.
Zeno updated today. Woah, seriously? FINALLY? Yep, it did. The comic mainly relied on visual humor and saying wierd word humor. But that doesn't matter since I like that kind of humor. Toonami gives it an 8 out of 10. No picture since PMS went down.
BrooksTV Daily Strip about the 6/6/06 drama llamas was funny as well. You don't have to be a Bible belt person to get what's going on. And is that shading I see in the last panel with the goat? Maybe he'll start fooling around with shading now. Once again, nice bright colors, especially in the last one to set the mood of EVILNESS. Toonami gives it an 9 out of 10. They still look a bit boxy-like, but I'll excuse him on this one since Brooks had much stuff to do. No link since PMS is down, but you can just click on the comic above to read it. He sent it to me on Skype.
The Real Rubyrulez Episode #12 was by far the best episode since Fight By Night. Much of the animation bothers me a bit since it's moving tweens, but still, great writing and voice acting. I'm a bit bothered also how the character don't really show emotion. Like when Georgia said "I bet that's the news!" she should've had a smiling mouth loop and maybe some evil biotch smirk on her. Toonami gives it an 8 out of 10. PMS is down, so Mr.Ruby put it up on Putfile. Click the Text in bold at the beginning of this paragraph to watch it.
Fett Fetterson Believe Cartoon was surprisingly well animated, and I seem to have enjoyed it more then FFA Episode 1 Part 1. It had very smooth animation, and the mouth loop is still one of the most unique I've seem on PMS yet. I liked how the characters had blinking animations, too. Great voice acting on their part, yes. Toonami gives it a 9 out of 10. No link again. SORRY.
Jomation Studios has joined onto Porple Montage Studios. The comics seem like one of those "Daily Quick Laugh Things" in my opinion. It's mainly just some random animal with a saying next to it. At least it's unique, I guess. The layout is very nice, and now when I hear "Jomation", I think of some Hawaiian Island. I would really like to make something like that in Flash one day. Toonami gives it the overall score of 9 out of 10 so far. No link.
Billy Cobsy's Gangsta Rap is yet another YTMND-inspired cartoon. Let me just say it was okay, but I would rather not look at a Symboled Cobsy doing the same movements over again. Maybe if he were to add him break dancing or something, I would have enjoyed this more. Catchy song nonetheless. Toonami gives it a 7 out of 10. No link.
Tyler's "Mario Goes to Work" Picture was not funny until you read the description. Some of it had me cracking up, but diaper school? What's that? Link in Bolded text.
Here's my thought for Nintendo in 2040:
Nin Guy #1: Guys, I just got back an overall review from IGN. Super Mario Sunshine 12 didn't do as good as the last sequel.
Nin Guy #2: Dammit! What do these people want!?
Nin Guy #3: {Laughs at the computer in the corner}
Nin Guy #2: Nin Guy #3, stop goofing around, the life of MARIO is in our hands!
Nin Guy #3: Look at this funny picture I found of Mario. Read the description for it too.
Nin Guy #1: That's....GENIUS! Quick, call the president! We got to give this kid a big crapload of money for this idea. This is PURE GOLD!
Oh yeah, Toonami gives the picture a 7 out of 10. The thought of making that a game: 3 out of 10.
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